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美国洛杉矶艺术家Bernard Tiernan的新水墨作品

2019-12-02 09:50:54

洛杉矶艺术家Bernard Tiernan创作的新的 水墨画。这些独特的图像是在加利福尼亚州高地公园的艺术家工作室中使用颜料基墨水创建的。这是他们第一次向公众公开。

伯纳德·提尔南(Bernard Tiernan)的艺术探索了一些技巧和材料。他处理工作的技巧,选择印刷油墨与涂料或其他传统颜料所用的材料。通过消除许多技术中介,Tiernan创造了直接,直接和内在的工作。通过选择媒介和执行方式,他的艺术思想之美令人着迷。

可以将印刷用墨水在纸上的机械应用。机械的意思是某种类型的技术元素(石板,蚀刻板,木质木刻等),可以使艺术家与介质协调一致,从而制成成品。伯纳德·蒂尔南(Bernard Tiernan)剔除了中间人,那个将艺术品定义为版画的技术元素。


Tiernan的故事与他的独特性 提供了引人注目的目光。发现任何新人才都是一件令人兴奋的事情,但是找到一个在近半个世纪以来默默耕耘的人,可以说出任何艺术爱好者的浪漫天性。我们非常高兴地第一次向您介绍Tiernan的艺术,而Tiernan也非常活跃和投入。

Bernard Tiernan makes art that explores some of the finer points of technique and material. Technique in how he approaches his work, material in his choice of printing inks versus paint or other traditional pigments. By removing many of the technical intermediaries, Tiernan creates work that is immediate, direct, and visceral. The beauty of his art’s idea, through his choice of medium and execution is hypnotic.

Printing can be defined as the mechanical application of ink on paper. Mechanical meaning some type of technical element (litho-stone, etching plate, lino- woodcut, etc.) that reconciles the artist with medium to create the finished product. Bernard Tiernan takes out the middleman, that technical element that defines artwork as a print.

The impact of his gesture is what first attracted us to his work. Upon deeper inspection, however, the conversation between the immediacy of art making and the mediated approach of printing was something we found captivating. How do these inks lay down on the paper? How do these pigments mix? How do they layer? The colors, the compositions provide something unexpected as these seemingly simple options become merged in an infinite number of combinations.

Tiernan’s story provided a compelling layer to his unique vision. Discovering any new talent is a thrill, but to find someone who has quietly toiled in anonymity for nearly half a century speaks to the romantic nature in any art lover. We are so very pleased to present Tiernan’s art for you for the first time ever and while he is very much active and engaged.

Art is best shared, and we hope that you too find Tiernan’s work compelling and something worthy of sharing (be it virtually or, as we would all prefer, IRL).

版权为艺术家本人所有(Copyright is owned by the artist himself)编辑:jsrart 工作小组

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