Alan Flesher
蓝 Blue / Alan Flesher
布面油画 Oil on Canvas / 45cm x 61cm
身处自然环境之中,能听到的回音不只有风声和鸟鸣——在无声的交流之中,思想的共振、情感的共鸣皆能通过自然的媒介抵达人心。犹太艺术家Alan将自身对自然的体悟诉诸于画布之上,作品具有视觉和情感震撼,直抵心灵深处,激发人们感受超越画布表面的作品精神,且给人带来无尽的想象力。本次个展意在通过呈现Alan的艺术作品表现自然事物的朴素与优雅、人与自然之间美好而纯净的联结,并以此触发人们的感官印象,启发人们意识层面的思考,感受存在于画作内外的和谐与碰撞。When Nature Calls In the natural environment, that echoes through the sound of the wind, the song of the birds and the leaves that congregate in the blue sky and then gently float to the ground. In this world of unspoken communication, the resonance of our thoughts, ideas and feelings reach our hearts through being quiet in nature.Artist Alan resorts to his own understanding of nature on the canvas. His paintings have visual and emotional impact permeated with a sense of aliveness that transports the viewer to the spirit of the piece.With the purpose of this solo exhibition, to trigger people’s sensory impressions, elevating their consciousness. Recognizing the innocence of simplicity, the elegance of nature and the purity of our kinship with the wild.Alan’s works can stimulate our awakening through recognizing the harmony and collision existing inside and outside the paintings... Where a slow walk through a garden can reveal the beauty of the weeds that need no introduction of a flower.关于CIIH以色列科技文化沙龙
CIIH以色列科技文化沙龙既是中以(上海)创新园为促进中以文化交流开设的重要空间,更是促进中国与以色列、“一带一路”沿线国及世界各国互相了解的平台,了解是合作的前提,以文化交流的溢出带动效应,促成更多中国与世界在文化、科技、金融等的融合发展。CIIH以色列科技文化沙龙具有多种空间属性:文化展示空间、艺术体验空间、分享互动空间、娱乐休闲空间等,将持续推出多主题、多形式的线上线下活动。China-Israel Cultural Center is not only a significant space built by CIIHto promote the intercultural communication between China and Israel, but also a platform for China、Israel、the countries along the Belt and Road and other countries developing mutual understanding.China-Israel Cultural Center has a variety of spatial properties, such as cultural displaies, interactivities and leisure. Offering both online and offline activities with differeny themes and forms will be held in this area.扫码关注CIIH以色列科技文化沙龙
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