10 月 25 号下午,艺术家高异个展“云出岫”于田子坊南希画廊成功开幕。
正值金秋时节,来自各行各业的艺术爱好者和收藏家朋友们相聚在田子坊,共同欣赏艺术家高异的最新艺术作品。开幕式上,策展人 Nancy Lee 女士作开幕致辞,田子坊商会会长吴梅森先生和中以科技文化沙龙负责人颜明华先生分别发言,表达了对此次展览的希冀和祝福。同时,艺术家高异同嘉宾们分享了他作品的灵感来源以及创作理念,与在场的艺术爱好者和收藏家朋友们在这个诗意的季节,共揽一怀风香满袖,吟一阙秋水长天。
艺术家高异 | Gao Yi
本次展览将持续到 11 月 10 日,欢迎各位艺术爱好者前来田子坊观展。同时,也欢迎大家移步田子坊 210 弄 17 号南希画廊石库门展厅欣赏艺术家联展,感受上海弄堂深处浓浓的艺术人文情怀。
On the afternoon of October 25, the artist’s solo exhibition "Freedom in the Air" opened at Nancy’s Gallery in Tianzifang. In the crisp autumn season, art lovers and collectors gather at Tianzifang to enjoy the artworks of different artists. Ms. Nancy Lee, curator of the exhibition, delivered the opening speech, Mr. Wu Meisen, President of Tianzifang Chamber of Commerce, and Mr. Minghua Yan, person in charge of the Israel Technology Culture Salon, made their speeches respectively, expressing their hopes and wishes for the exhibition. The artist Gao Yi shares his inspiration and idea with the guests on the exhibition.
Just as the theme of the work, the artist Gao Yi integrates the traditional Chinese ink brushwork style into the macro philosophical concept of the Western universe, leading the audience to the deep mountains and clouds of freedom. This solo exhibition will lead viewers to the freedom in the air and the magnificent universe under Gao Yi’s brush.
Gao Yi, from Suide, Shaanxi, is an artist specialized in abstract paintings. Graduated from Nanjing University of the Arts, now he lives in Shanghai. He is a member of the Chinese National Painting andCalligraphy Institute. Over the years, he has studied and created the art form with multiple possibilities other than traditional painting and calligraphy. His works have a high value of art collection, favored by people at home and abroad. He has participated in many large art exhibitions at home and abroad and won many awards.The exhibition opens from October 25 to November 10.
Welcome art lovers to Tianzifang for the exhibition. At the same time, you can also visit the Shikumen art space of Nancy’s Gallery, No. 17, Lane 210, Tianzifang, to appreciate the artists’ joint exhibition and enjoy the deep artistic and humanistic feelings in Shanghai lanes.
Welcome all of you to this exhibition!