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2022-05-06 14:48:21


 大约在2008年年初,与哈尔滨的友人通电话,被告知颜仲先生在新年伊始不幸离世。记得听到消息的不久前还收到颜仲先生寄来的关于同意牛津阿什莫林博物馆刊用其作品的一纸表格。闻此噩耗不禁扼腕叹息: 一个未被世界充分认识到的,有杰出才能的艺术家,一个顽强与病魔抗争十余年的艺术家走了,随他而去的还有几乎一个领域——中外文化名人黑白木刻肖像。









不久前痴心于中国版画的巴大玮教授(David Barker)曾问过我,为什么在木版教育信托所藏的大量中国版画画册里,无论是黑龙江版画集还是中国历届版画展画册,都很少见到颜仲先生版画的影子。他疑惑,是颜仲先生作品不被官方认可还是颜仲先生不愿意让自己的作品曝光? 这是个很有趣的问题。其实,颜仲先生可以被称为“漏网之鱼”,因为在群体版画中找不到他,在自视正宗的学院版画也中不见他的踪影;他的作品不时髦,所以在喧嚣的“在野”画家集群里,同样找不到他。美术史家们倾向于把文化现象归类,所谓批评家们,更多关注那些表面的艺术现象,炒作那些艺坛新秀。而颜仲的作品则很难与任何艺术流派和趋势共同归类,他不属于某家某派,不与任何人为伍,他孤独而执着地在他自己开垦的田地里耕耘和收获着。他其实并不孤独,一方面他曾经工作过的文学出版社为他提供了一个一展身手的窗口,更重要的是他遍览群书,徜徉于中外古今的文学艺术海洋中,他笔底利刃下的每一个人物,都仿如知己。他生活在他的王国,这个王国里聚集了中国新文化的脊梁:鲁迅、蔡元培、陈独秀、林语堂、茅盾、老舍、冰心、巴金……;这个王国里也有世界文化的巨擎莎士比亚、歌德、黑格尔、司汤达、巴尔扎克、易卜生、马克·吐温、列夫·托尔斯泰、罗曼·罗兰、海明威、爱因斯坦……。上世纪的八九十年代,正是中国艺术流派此起彼伏频繁更替的时候,在众人向上奋力争夺金牌银牌的时候,在大家为了市场利益而竟攀画价的时候,颜仲先生则沉浸在他的世界,让那些文化巨擎汇聚在自己的田园里,与他们共同享受精神的盛宴。生活清苦,形容枯蒿,身居陋室的他,其实有着怎样一个让人倾慕向往的丰厚的精神田园?颜仲之乐,对他周围绝大多数人来说,是难以理解和想象的。

















《颜仲木刻-中外文化名人肖像选集》王观泉,李允经,王世家 编,河南大学出版社,2007

A Sharp Gouge Incises the Spiritual Strength--My recollections of Yan Zhong and his prints.

In early 2008, a friend of mine in Harbin informed me by telephone that Yan Zhong had died at the beginning of the New Year. I remember that not long before I heard the bad news, a form signed by Yan Zhong giving his consent to waiving copyright for the Ashmolean Museum to reproduce one of his prints had arrived on my desk. A deeply felt sorrow overwhelmed me after I heard the news of Yan’s death, as I considered that what had disappeared was not merely an accomplished and unrecognized artist who had been struggling in the fight for life for more than a decade, but also a creative field - the field of black and white woodblock printed portraiture of the cultural elite of the world.

Yan Zhong’s name had been familiar to me since the mid 1980s when I was an undergraduate student in Harbin, the capital of Heilongjiang province. The first technical book on woodblock printmaking I ever bought has on one of its pages Yan’s woodblock printed portrait of Lu Xun (1881-1936)〔1〕. I did not realize that Yan was a printmaking artist living in Heilongjiang, because his work showed no direct connections with the well-known Great Northern Wilderness printmaking school nor did it relate to the fertile northern land. His woodblock printed portraits also rarely appeared in Heilongjiang printmaking exhibitions or publications.

It was an unforgettable experience when I first met Yan, we were both attending a symposium celebrating the 40th anniversary of printmaking in Heilongjiang. The provincial printmakers old and young, together with specially invited well-known art critics had gathered at the Agricultural Cultivation Hall in Harbin. About half-way through the symposium, I chanced to notice an elderly man sitting opposite me with a hatchet face, lifeless dark skin and wearing plain, shabby clothes. His bland expression appeared in strong contrast with those of the other participants. I wondered if he was the father of a printmaker or a person who had wandered into the symposium by mistake. When told, I could hardly believe that the old man was Yan Zhong, the creator of the woodblock printed portrait of Lu Xun. During that seminar participants talked interminably, whilst Yan sat silently, seemingly not wishing to join in the discussions. Out of curiosity I asked his opinion on the future development of Great Northern Wilderness printmaking. He failed to answer my question but talked about his own experience of learning to make woodblock printed portraits.

Later I learned that Yan had recently undergone brain craniotomy and the success of the operation was largely due to generous financial support from the Muban Foundation, now The Muban Educational Trust〔2〕. Following my first encounter with Yan, I visited him frequently. Yan lived in an old, run down and wretched flat in Anfeng Street, in the Daoli District, a destitute area. Held in my memory was that he worked in his simple ‘studio’, in actual fact a small living room also used by his family. There was ink on the ink slab and on a roller which was never cleaned so that Yan could grab the roller to ink the block and print at any time. Every time I visited him, what he talked most about was not his prints but the books he was reading. He seemed not to care about the trends in the art field around him or in the outside world. Once in a while he would mention the sale of some of his prints, a dozen of his prints had been purchased at a price of fifty Yuan each 〔3〕, at that time prints by Great Northern Wilderness artists’ were selling at prices at least ten times higher than those being paid for Yan’s work. Although Yan managed to produce some sketches for portraits after the craniotomy, he was, unfortunately, unable to cut any new blocks and even found difficulty in printing his old blocks. Out of respect for such a dedicated artist, I volunteered to print his works and was honoured to be the only artist to print Yan’s work while he was still alive.

The experience of printing Yan’s blocks allowed me to discover the secret of his woodblock prints. I remember carefully carrying the block for Yan’s portrait of Xiao Hong (1911 – 1942) back to my own studio and studied it intently. It was cut on an ordinary piece of plywood with cracks on the back, most artists would not have bothered to use such poor quality plywood to produce prints.

In general, woodblock printmaking belongs to the medium of relief printing. Yan’s work however seems to go beyond the concept of relief printing in his use of unique cutting and printing techniques. A finished woodblock usually has two levels, the original surface of the wood and the level that remains after the cutting is completed, although the cut areas can be of varying depths. Printing ink is only applied to the uncut, original surface. For instance, when printing with black ink on white paper, the areas cut away from the block will appear white, whilst the original surface of the block would show as black. Black and white prints usually contain a stark contrast of black and white. In Western woodblock printmaking, grey tones in general are achieved by the use of fine lines of different thickness and density. In most cases the direction of the lines change according to the form of the object being described. Albrecht Dürer’s (1471 -1528) woodblock prints might be regarded as typical examples. In Dürer’s prints, the so called ‘grey tone’ is formed by a visual blending of the black and white lines. Consistent printings of this kind of work would be relatively easy to make even by different artisans, they can also be printed with a printing press. However, apparent variations of tones are less flexible and it is not a great advantage to seek soft tones in relief printing, these are better achieved in lithography. Traditional Chinese and Japanese Ukiyo-e woodblock printmaking with water-soluble colours use different approaches to achieve subtle tones, variations in tone could be accomplished by applying darker, lighter and different saturations of colour to the woodblock, the moisture of the paper and the pressure applied during printing can also be controlled. A typical example from China would be is ‘A Manual of Calligraphy and Painting from the Ten Bamboo Studio’ published in the late-Ming Dynasty, which is said to have required ‘thirty percent effort achieved by cutting and seventy percent through printing’.

However, Yan’s works emphasized both cutting and printing. He primarily used single blade oblique-edged and flat-edged gouges, their biggest advantage being the freedom to cut a variety of lines and dots. If one examines his woodblocks closely, there are a multitude of layers between the original and cut areas akin to that of a mold for low relief sculpture. For example, in the woodblock printed portrait of Xiao Hong, the artist has used an oblique-edged gouge to cut a clean outline of her cheek that is in highlight. Following the grain of the wood, the point of the gouge has been used to single out the fine lines of the bridge of the nose, the eyelids and the junction of the facial shading to create a pencil-like soft effect. The sitter’s scarf has been cut with bold and broad strokes, resembling the thick and free brush strokes found in oil painting on canvas, contrasting the delicate and subtle touch of the cheek. The hair of the sitter was picked out to achieve a clear distinction between light and shade with succinctly cut marks, while the background was printed with immaculate and expressive soft tones. Different ways of cutting are like different instruments in a symphony complimenting each other with poignant appeal: dynamic and static, sparse and dense, heavy and light, solid and void, nonetheless, everything works to characterize the facial expression and heighten the atmosphere without extravagance or ostentation.

In Chinese painting, sophistication requires the black ink to be divided into five different tones to resemble colours. Yan’s late work create that suggestion of chromatic range with black and white by cutting to various depths on the block, printing Yan’s blocks are thus different from those cut by more conventional woodblock printmakers.

First of all one needed a larger rubber roller to roll a thin layer of ink evenly over the entire block, the flexibility of a rubber roller allowed ink to be applied to the lower levels of the block. The ink on roller could not be too thick otherwise the delicate lines and the wood grain would disappear, however the ink needed to be thick enough to achieve a dense black when printed. Printing with a wooden mushroom, Yan also used the wooden handle of a chisel, was usually carried out repeatedly and gradually to achieve the elaborate greys and blacks. The printing paper did not only make contact with the surface of the block but also with the multi-layers of the cut areas which demanded great concentration and patience during the printing process, any slight change in pressure would ruin the whole print. Particularly with the eyes of a portrait, without sufficient pressure the eyes would appear to be without spirit; with heavy pressure the image would lose its implications. Perfection came from the coordination of one’s hand and heart and an understanding of the sitter’s expression and individuality. Each printing was a process of re-expression, to some extent a re-drawing and recreation which is why Yan’s prints were known to be very difficult to print.

The cutting approach in Yan’s woodblock prints was largely inspired by the various expressive strokes in Chinese ink painting, especially in his works created after the 1990s. The richness and subtle changes his blocks realize are comparable with not only Chinese free hand painting but also those obtainable from lithographs and soft ground etchings. Yet he never loses the unique character of the woodblock print, an unprecedented innovation in woodblock printmaking.〔4〕

Of the ten or so copies I printed of Yan’s portrait of Xiao Hong only four or five were kept and the rest were destroyed.v The better ones were returned to Yan Zhong along with his woodblock. However, to my surprise, he did not compliment me politely but commented that overall the printed images were slightly heavier than they should have been. I later learned that he had been concerned about his woodblock ever since I had taken it away. According to Guan Housheng (b.1948) Yan’s former colleague, it was common for Yan to spend an entire day printing just one copy. I had spent a few hours on each copy and thought I had been extremely patient but the outcome still failed to impress Yan. Now I understand the defects of my printing lay not in technique but in my attitude towards perfection and how profound one understands the characteristics of a portrait. No one knows a child better than the mother who gave them birth and brought them up.

After I left China in 1999, I talked several times with Yan by telephone. Whenever I asked what I could do for him his response was always the same, to find good quality portrait photographs of writers and poets for him. I remember that I send him some photographs of British writers I had found in the Library of the University of Ulster. Although aware of his poor health which was preventing him from cutting blocks, I still hoped that I would see new works.

David Barker, who is knowledgeable about Chinese prints, once asked me why so few of Yan’s works can be found in the catalogues of Chinese print exhibition, or in the many publications showing collections of Heilongjiang printmakers’ works. He wished to understand why his work was rarely shown in national or provincial exhibitions of prints or was it that Yan was unwilling to display his work to the public. This is a very interesting question. In fact, Yan Zhong could be called ‘the fish who slipped through the net,’ as he was not in the circle of the famous Heilongjiang school of printmakers, nor among the orthodox printmakers based in the art colleges. Nor could his works be found within the groups of the trendy popular artists.

Art historians tend to classify the phenomena of art into different categories and many art critics pay more attention to the more ‘contemporary’ phenomena, busy in their promotion of the up-and-coming stars. Yan"s works were difficult to categorize into any school or trend, as a consequence he was often neglected. He was not associated with anyone in any field of art, he just quietly cultivated and harvested in his own field.

But he was not alone, from the 1980s The People’s Literature Press in Beijing opened a window for him in regularly publishing his woodblock printed portraits, moreover, he read a great many books, enjoying the realms of ancient and modern Chinese and foreign literature. Each of the persons he cut portraits of with his gouge was like a confidant. He lived in an world not just his own, there were the pillars of China"s new culture gathered around him: Lu Xun, Cai Yuanpei, Chen Duxiu, Lin Yutang, Mao Dun, Lao She, Bing Xin, Ba Jin.......his realm was also populated with the world"s literary giants: Shakespeare, Goethe, Hegel, Stendhal, Balzac, Ibsen, Mark Twain, Leon Tolstoy, Romain Rolland, Ernest Hemingway, Albert Einstein and many others. In the 1980s to 1990s when frequent changes occurred in the various schools of Chinese art like shooting stars and most artists strove for gold and silver medals and competed for ever higher prices in the art market, Yan Zhong remained immersed in his world sharing a spiritual feast with these cultural giants.

Physically he had endured a seemingly unsuccessful life, he had suffered from poverty and illness, wore shabby clothes and slept in a wretched flat. However he had excluded himself from the realities of the world, which in a way has given him almost undisturbed freedom to concentrate on the making of this series of astonishing printed portraits. In this way, he had enjoyed a rich pastoral life which most would yearn for. Yan Zhong’s joy was difficult to imagine or to understand by the majority of people around him.

The valuable artistic legacy that Yan Zhong has left to the world makes one think and be inspired. My thinking, though clichéd, does seem worthy of sharing.

My first thought is of the relationship between the artist and his art: art is often a reflection of an artist’s inner world, the quality of the artist’s inner world decides the appearance of his outward creativeness, the creation of art is built upon one’s spiritual world, not by glorious statues, nor material possessions in the secular world. However, in reality, many artists are seduced by tangible things. Though Yan’s subject matter seems limited due to the fact that he focused solely on portraits of the cultural elite, his portraits could engage viewers, touch viewers, because there is a kind of inner power in each of his images. On selecting his subjects, there were no friends, apart from a portrait of his grandmother nothing of himself, apart from Zhou Enlai no politicians, which showed his persistent personality and idealistic pursuits, an unusual phenomenon in the political climate of his life time.〔5〕

My second thought concerns the relationship between intellectualism and art. Looking back over the history of Chinese art, almost exclusively artists would be scholars first. Yan was educated in Zhejiang province which celebrates its long tradition of a flourishing culture. Yan’s eagerness for knowledge and truth made Yan’s prints unique from those of his contemporaries. Before starting a portrait, Yan would always read the writer or philosopher’s work to gather a comprehensive knowledge of the author’s thoughts. Compared with the photographs he used as reference for his prints, one can see that he did not simply copy an image. His work was based on a profound and thorough understanding of the author’s inner world which greatly benefited his portraiture. When he was engaged in the precise cutting of the portrait woodblock, he also let his sentiments flow into his image. Each cultural giant exuded a different character and style, Yan clearly understood the differences between each individual and their work. Among the more than one hundred portraits he cut and printed, none feels repetitive. In his woodblock printed portrait of the Russian writer Ostrovsky created from a static copy of Ostrovsky’s face, each line is dynamic, reminiscent of the style and content of the author so one can feel a stormy roar from the facial depiction. Yan’s work always give one the impression that in his portraits of writers, poets or philosophers, the image is a mixture of the writer’s and the artist’s work.

It can be said that without Yan’s studious cultivation, without his passion and indulgent study of Chinese and foreign literature, Yan’s woodcut portraits of the cultural elite would not exist. Nowadays many printmakers are struggling to find their own style or just indulging in technique or playing with superficial form. For these artists, the pursuit of knowledge is not a panacea but a long-term acquisition which will help raise the artist’s intellect and awareness and in the end will benefit their making of works of art.

My third thought concerns the relationship between Dao and art, in other words the relationship between Dao and technique which has been a topic of debate for thousands of years in China. Compared to other forms of art, printmaking relies heavily on graphic techniques, however a technique can only become alive if it carries the artists’ spirit, namely Dao. Of Dao, different people have a different understanding at different times. My understanding is that Dao is metaphysical, it is the combination of one’s spirit, soul and natural instinct. Some may regarded Yan’s woodcuts as insignificant illustrations in an outdated realistic medium similar to European chiaroscuro sketches. However, as real art stands the test of time, its appeal will increase as time goes by. One feels a spiritual baptism when facing Yan’s portrait of the young Rou Shi with his intelligent and innocent eyes, the philosopher Hegel shows deep penetrating eyes, Tolstoy"s epic bearded face, these portraits encourage people to seek out more from behind the images.

Yan Zhong set off along his own road with some plywood and a few cutting gouges to create a field to which no one else in the world dedicated his life. His experience shows that the path towards art has no limits. Printmaking is no different from the other disciplines of art. The development of art is not linear, not from realism to abstraction, not from two dimensions to three dimensions, not from painting to performance art. No matter how one uses media, no matter whether it appears traditional or avant-garde, the foremost thing is to convey spirit, Dao, as Leonardo Da Vinci said:’Where the spirit does not work with the hand there is no art’.

I have just spoken to a friend of mine in Harbin by telephone. He worked with Yan for many years. We all felt it a pity that we did pay enough attention to Yan Zhong and his art when he was alive. Now he has left the world. The things that can comfort us are his original prints and especially those woodblocks acquired and preserved by the Heilongjiang Art Museum and the fact that his work is receiving more and more recognition. Artists’ lives are short but their work lives on for much longer, Yan’s work carries the vitality of his life, along with his spiritual strength.

Dr. He Weimin

Artist-in-Residence, University of Oxford

Former professional artist of the Heilongjiang Provincial Printmaking Institute

March 8, 2010


〔1〕 The woodcut portrait of Lu Xun was cut twice, the first was cut in 1959 and the second was in 1981. The portrait of Lu Xun earned him a reputation and became his representative work. After talking to Yan’s widow, I understand that the first woodblock, cut on plywood, was used for a long time as the cover of a jar for making thick soya bean sauce. During the Cultural Revolution period (1966-76), it became curled and cracked and was finally thrown into the stove. The second block survived.

〔2〕 In 1997, the printmaking historian Li Yunjing, a friend of Yan Zhong, mentioned Yan Zhong’s situation to Verena Bolinder-Müller and Christer von der Burg of the Muban Foundation (now The Muban Educational Trust), saying Yan was seriously ill but could not afford an operation. Verena and Christer generously donated six thousand US dollars so securing Yan’s operation. In Autumn 1998 when Verena and Christer went to Harbin they met Yan and his wife. Yan sent dozens of his prints to the Muban Foundation as gifts along with the original woodblock from his portrait of Shakespeare, the Muban Foundation sent him several thousand US dollars in return.

〔3〕 The current rate of exchange is approximately 10Yuan eaquals1GBP.

〔4〕 Few works in1997 revealed some sense of powerlessness and lack of sensitivity on depicting people, the images are more like photographs, this could be a sign of Yan’s brain disease.

v. I wished to keep at least one or two impressions of the portrait of Xiao Hong for memory, however, on thinking of Yan’s meticulousness on the quality of the work and his wishes of leaving no imperfect work to the world, I destroyed the rest in the end and feel I did the right thing. I am not sure what happened to what I printed. To my opinion, his woodblock should be kept for research purpose and any reprint would increase the risk of damaging the woodblocks. With today’s advance technology, Yan’s print could be reproduced as facsimile without printing directly from the woodblock.

〔5〕 Since there were no ancient portraits of saints, poets or writers such as Confucius or Lao Zi, once I asked Yan the reason, he replied me that what he needed was reliable source, he did not like to invent a figure. So in fact Yan treated the photos or oil paintings he used as his reliable ‘models’.


Li Yunjing The Woodcuts of Yan Zhong Yan Zhong muke Kaifeng 2007

Henan University Press Henan daxue chubanshe

